Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Pouring rain, almost skipped lunch, but gave me the chance to check someone off the list. Time to buckle down.


Driving home from Fresno in the pouring rain, who the heck am I supposed to see?

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Same lousy people as yesterday. Definitely driving home tomorrow.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Two more. In Clovis, CA.


Six people today! One I used to see all the time. And someone he hated, but now likes and sees all the time. And four other people I'll see a good bit this year. I should count 'em until we really get a drink or something, but I got take the low-hanging fruit at some point and eventually I'll really have a conversation with them.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Another person I used to see everyday. Crazy. Awkward then completely not, then awkward and completely not again. It's a relationship that only ended because life broke you up. So very strange. And yet not. Weird. Or not.


Saw TWO people today. One that I used to see everyday. Weird. Ever notice how the people that you see everyday - that you like - that you then rarely see are people you would kill to have in your life again? Now, how to get some random high school, college, adult life friends to all live/work in the same place...